Overwatch is an MMOFPS video game which has a 60€ price tag. There are a good many characters in it. Here you will find all the Overwatch female characters.
Blizzard released this video game in 2016 but it is still leading to its class. People who have enough money to buy it plays it, while the others are playing its alternatives. Moreover, even if they can’t compete with Overwatch, they are completely free. Well, it is not our topic. Overwatch presents 32 different characters to the players. 13 of them are female. Let’s look at the Overwatch female characters list!
You are here to find the female characters in Overwatch. First, I will list all of them and secondly, I will talk briefly about 5 of them later on in this writing. So, here is the list of the female characters in Overwatch:
- D. Va
- Widowmaker
- Symmetra
- Mercy
- Tracer
- Sombra
- Mei
- Brigitte
- Zarya
- Genji
- Moira
- Pharah
- Ana
You can find more about the bold marked ones below. I will not steal your time anymore. Here they are:
She uses 3 types of weapons. They are a sniper rifle that can fire in automatic mode, Mines that poison around, and a visor that grants her squad infra-sight. A good Widowmaker can really hurt you by playing with her teammates coordinatedly.
She is among the most mobile characters in Overwatch. She uses pulse pistols. She can dash somewhere near to her suddenly and kill you with them. Or, she can use his ultimate by throwing a bomb. You should be careful, it deals a lot!
Sombra is the best at hacking! She can hack you by her abilities. When she does that, you can’t use your abilities or first aid kits. She can realize low-health enemies by her passive ability. You should better watch out yourself while the enemy has a Sombra!
Genji is one of them among the Overwatch female characters. I choose it because she is different from the others. She has no joke, literally! She can kill you wherever you caught her. Both her shurikens and katana damages much. Do not straggle.
5- ANA
She can kinda support you while ruining the enemies. If she shot allies, she heals them and if she shot enemies, she damages. It is fun to play Ana. You should absolutely try it!
You read my Overwatch female characters list and I hope you liked it. Have fun playing Overwatch!