You often see the word “sus” in Among Us meetings. Like many other players, you may be wondering what sus means in Among Us. Unless you learn the meaning of this mysterious word, you may not be able to understand most of what was spoken at the meeting.
Among Us has become such a popular game that players now chat among themselves with words specific to Among Us. These words, which are usually made up of few letters, have important meanings about the game. The sus is one of these words.
In this article, we will explain in detail what does sus mean Among Us. At the end of the article, you will be able to understand everyone in the game. You will now be able to use the word sus in meetings.
The sus used in Among Us confuses many players in the meetings. Those who do not know what sus mean Among Us cannot make any strategy in the game. If a person is called sus in the game and that person does not give any answer, usually the votes are given that person. For this reason, it is very important to know what sus means in Among Us.
In Among Us, sus means suspicious. So sus is short of suspicious. When a person is suspected in the game, that person is called sus. If you see a phrase like “red is sus” in the game, it means that red is suspected.
Sus means suspicious in Among Us. If someone says to you sus, you have to say things that prove their innocence. Otherwise, they will unanimously throw you out of the space ship.
If there is someone you suspect in the game, you can show everyone that he is a suspect by telling him to sus at the meeting