The season will be reset in the game with the arrival of the next Rainbow Six Siege season. Although the zeroing of the ratings is suitable for players who have gone through that season badly, it is terrible news for those who have not yet reached the rank they want.
The next Rainbow Six Siege season announcements are made one week before the season arrives. Because Rainbow is a privacy-loving platform, it does not tell its players how long the season will be before or during the season.
This system, which is the game's challenging and quality compared to other games, also adds excitement to the game. Most of the new years come with innovations in the game.
These innovations may differ as follows:
● New operators
● New weapon attachments
● New weapon skins
● Increased protection on cheats
● Map changes
● New game modes
● New systems (e.g., the introduction of title system)
● And changing the properties (weapon powers and balancing)
As with most games, innovations will always add excitement to the tournament in Rainbow Six Siege.
When is the Next Rainbow Six Siege Season?
The next Rainbow Six Siege season comes with the new year. Rainbow Six Siege season average ranges from 3 to 4 months.
That's why it is thought that Rainbow Six Siege 6th year 1st season will arrive in March. Although the company does not have a definite statement on this subject, it was announced on the web sites that new studies started.
The game is divided into years as well as being seasonal. Rainbow Six Siege, which has an average of 4 seasons in 1 year, is about to complete its 5th year. When the 6th year begins, it will also start in the new season. The resumption of the season will again put match rivalries at the top for rankings.